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As a sex, dating, and relationship coach, I understand that some people learn best by reading. That’s why I’m constantly writing new blog posts about sex, dating, and relationships so everyone can access this information. I’m writing here to help you and to start a conversation.

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Dating Duds? Set dating goals to cut the crap! | A step-by-step dating goal guide

Dating can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience, especially if you need clarification about what you want. The prospect of setting dating goals may seem odd or even aggressive. But it's how you get clarity before you sink your teeth into the dating game (likely not for the first time.) It's also essential that you know what your dating goals are so you can communicate them clearly to a potential partner. That ensures you're both on the same page and have no unspoken expectations. In this article, I will walk you through identifying your dating goals so you can finally get started with intention and clarity.

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Dating Elaine S. Turner Dating Elaine S. Turner

What Does a Dating Coach do? Why you need a dating coach in 2023

Dating coaching is a new advent in finding "the one." Since the pioneers of the matching-making field first arose on social media, the niche has become filled with wannabes and credentialless people trying to help. But one facet of dating coaching many miss. It's the one that sets working with me apart from the noise. It's the you factor. Learning the rules and mechanics of how to look and sound right is essential. However, until you know who you are, you'll keep settling for the wrong person repeatedly. That's what a dating coach does. We help you clarify who you are and solidify who you're looking for. That way, you can go out into the dating world with confidence and a discerning eye.

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Sex, Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Sex, Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Are You in a Situationship? Here’s why and how to stop tolerating the dating grey area

Situationships are a hugely controversial topic in the world of dating coaching. It may feel easy to settle for what feels like the only person who will give you the attention you crave. But by settling for someone who refuses to acknowledge your presence in their life, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. Situationships are a plague to those looking for love. They can cover you like a wave of locusts and pick your love optimism to the bones. Don't fall for the situationship cycle. Start changing your experience now.

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Friends as an Adult - Why you need them and where to make new friends

If you're anything like me, making friends is a challenge. Especially if you're new to an area or you've lost contact with the people in your past, it's a daunting prospect. You weren't taught how to make friends as an adult. So, it's normal to feel paralyzed.

If you're unsure how to make new friends as an adult, let's work through it together.

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Habits of Successful Relationships - How to make your relationship healthier and happier

You're here because you want to have a successful long-term relationship. And we congratulate you on identifying that desire! But how will you be able to determine if you're in a healthy relationship? In order to find the love of your life, you need to start developing successful relationship habits. Knowing these success habits, you can practice them on your own and when you enter into an intimate relationship.

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

7 Signs Someone is Emotionally Unavailable - What it means, how to spot it, and how to choose better men

Have you ever gotten into a situationship by accident? The man you went out with in the first place said he was looking for a relationship, but then he back-pedaled? He seems to want all the benefits of having a girlfriend but isn't willing to commit. These actions define emotional unavailability.

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Are You Sabotaging Your Relationship? How unspoken needs and expectations can ruin everything

Dating and communication go hand-in-hand. That should go without saying. But, so few were genuinely taught how to communicate in healthy ways. You're in the right place if you think your dating life and communication style aren't working out. As it turns out, you can easily sabotage your intimate relationships by not openly expressing your needs.

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Dating Elaine S. Turner Dating Elaine S. Turner

Online Dating Advice for Ladies: What you need to know about online dating in 2022 powered by real statistics

Online dating has been around since the 1990s when the internet started to become commonplace. Before online dating, there were personal ads, speed dating events, and places where you could try to meet someone special. But with your phone constantly in your hand, the prospect of meeting mister right seems like it's just a few swipes away. But try as you might, as many swipes as you swipe, you just can't seem to find the "one," but why is that?

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Keep Dating Fixer-uppers? What they are, why you keep choosing them, and how to stop dating them

Many people love a good project around the house or long-term self-improvement goals. But if you notice your relationships feel like chores, you may be dating fixer-uppers. Supporting someone's self-improvement can be a great asset to a relationship. Still, it shouldn't be a defining factor in the partners you choose. If your entire relationship style is built around reforming a guy, you're in for a world of hurt.

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Dating Elaine S. Turner Dating Elaine S. Turner

The End of Bad Dates - 13 questions to determine compatibility

When you're dating, you don't want to waste your time. You may find people you're interested in, but you feel like some aspects of your personality just don't match up. Maybe you can't put your finger on exactly why you're feeling that way. There may be several reasons. To get to the bottom of it, you should ask specific questions to determine compatibility as partners.

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Sex, Dating Elaine S. Turner Sex, Dating Elaine S. Turner

How You Can be Single and Happy - 10 tips on how to make the most of your singledom

Being single can suck. But it really, really shouldn't. When you're single and unattached, you'll have the most time and opportunity to grow and expand your identity. You can discover more about yourself, and figure out what you need in a partner. You can start living your happy single life now if you're ready to take advantage of it!

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Step-by-Step Guide to Healing a Broken Heart - How to get over your ex in 8 steps

Very little in this world hurts a person as much as heartbreak can. You genuinely feel physical pain throughout your body. Colors become duller, food loses its taste, and all you can do is seek cheap dopamine to feel better. While feeling the pain of heartbreak is part of the healing process, there is much more to it. Learning how to heal your broken heart is a process everyone goes through. Luckily, you are here for a bit of a cheat sheet.

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Dating Elaine S. Turner Dating Elaine S. Turner

Beginner’s Guide to Online Dating Safety - What you need to know before you go out with that dude from Tinder

There is no reason to spare any expense when it comes to your safety. In the modern dating era, almost everyone uses a dating app to meet someone. When you talk to someone online, you really don't know who they are. It's just a few texts on a screen. If you agree to meet up in real life, then guess what? Someone entirely different may be joining you for dinner. Online dating safety isn't something that is first nature to everyone, but it needs to be.

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Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner Dating, Relationships Elaine S. Turner

Start Dating for Real | Figure out what you actually want in a partner

Dating can be challenging and confusing. Especially with so many people out there playing the field post-COVID. Looking for someone to hook up with versus someone to spend the rest of your life with are two very different things. But how do you know which one you're looking for? How do you know which dating apps to use? Waste less time and attract the people you want to know by setting some rules and parameters for yourself.

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