What is Relationship Coaching? Find out if it’s right for you and your relationship

what is relationship coaching

A relationship coach is someone who specializes in supporting people in relationships. A relationship coach helps you understand who you are as a whole person. This enables you to enter and maintain a romantic relationship authentically and openly. That is why relationship coaching should always be a holistic approach.

We're never explicitly taught how to form and maintain healthy relationships. People are expected to figure it out for themselves. You're magically meant to piece together how to communicate, listen, and act when it comes to love. What are you meant to do without the knowledge, skills, and tools required to have a healthy relationship? 

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You're meant to get help.

Having someone outside of the relationship to listen and help guide you is what most couples need. 

It is a goal-focused specialty designed to help you get where you want to go fast.

And provide you with lasting results.

Relationship coaches hold the space you and your partner need to work together to navigate your past, present, and future.

Relationship coaches teach you what tools you need to create the future you want together.

Similar to therapy, you'll each have a chance to be heard. But also you'll be seen and heard as a couple. 

It takes two whole people to create a beautiful and lasting relationship.

That is why relationship coaching at Sex With Elaine involves just as many sessions together as one-on-one. 

What is relationship coaching?

Relationship coaching is the process of supporting, teaching, and helping you create or maintain lasting relationships.

A relationship coach creates the space for you.

what is relationship coaching

As the person getting coached, you have the opportunity to explore your feelings and emotions and set goals.

The coach is responsible for creating a plan for achieving those goals. You are responsible for doing the legwork towards them. 

  • The coach acts as a vessel and a space holder.

  • The client fills the vessel or space with their issues and aspirations.

  • The coach acts as a filter, taking out the most critical aspects of what a client shares.

  • The client is focused on introspection and creating new thought patterns.

  • The coach helps the client focus on achieving a goal and creating the path towards it.

  • The client follows the steps of the path and is held accountable by the coach.

Relationship coaching takes the fundamentals of life and sex coaching and focuses on your entire relationship.

Traditional therapeutic models are applied with a coaching mindset and focus. Doing this allows you to fully analyze your circumstances and create the best possible result. 

Coaching is a process that happens over a limited time.

You choose your overall goal.

Your coach creates the action plan, gives you the tools, and holds you accountable for your process and results. 

While it is different from therapy, it is often called therapeutic.

One difference between coaching and therapy is that coaching focuses on goals, your present, and your future.

A coach helps you become who you want to be and enables you to find the path to take you there.

A therapist will help you process your past and be honest with yourself.

It is an intricate process that focuses on how you've become who you are rather than where you're going. 

If you need to process deep and traumatic events, a therapist may be your best bet.

Working with a coach simultaneously can be incredibly beneficial.

Many coaches are happy to be in open communication with your other health professionals. Doing this ensures that you're getting all the help you need.

What does a relationship coach do?

A relationship coach does more than you might think. 

A coach's primary responsibility is to hold a safe space to explore your desires, identity, and goals.

A space where you and your partner can be your authentic selves.

You are able to discuss the topics you've always been afraid to talk about. 

By having a coach to ask the difficult questions, you can start having those challenging conversations you need to have. 

A relationship coach knows that you are two individuals who have chosen to complement each other in a relationship. Not two parts of a single whole.

Therefore, small changes can make giant leaps in building your intimacy to create long-term benefits. To do this, you'll need to address your challenges and emotional blocks so that you both can make progress as a couple. 

To be the happy couple you've always wanted to be, you'll have to do some personal work.

What does a relationship coaching session look like?

Coaching is a dynamic practice, and many aspects need equal attention in each session.

Your individual identities, your relationship, and your relationships with the coach all need space.

Those ties have to be cultivated, curated, and maintained with active sharing. 

what is relationship coaching

The focus of the coaching session has to shift between all of these dynamics throughout.

Every relationship coach is different and has a unique working process.

At Sex With Elaine, typically, you will have an equal number of sessions by yourself and with your partner.

During 90-minute couples coaching sessions on Zoom, you'll uncover profound truths about your relationship.

Coaching is all about asking challenging and thought-provoking questions you may have been afraid to ask. 

You'll also be given numerous opportunities to utilize new tools and techniques taught by your coach, me, Elaine.

Relationship-altering and straightforward tasks help you learn ways to communicate openly and prevent conflict.

By practicing these tools, you'll be better prepared to use them outside the sessions. 

Can I do relationship coaching alone? 

You can do relationship coaching alone. However, it may look and feel a bit different.

what is relationship coaching

You can be a single person who wants to get into a relationship. Most commonly, you're in a relationship and come to sessions by yourself. 

There are plenty of reasons people decide to get relationship coaching without their partner or spouse.

It takes two to tango, especially when it comes to relationship dynamics. While working as a team has numerous benefits, you can still get many positives by coming by yourself. 

Some reasons you may come to coaching without your partner are: 

  • Your primary focus is self-improvement

  • You want to learn how to be a better partner or lover in your relationship

  • You're experiencing emotional or mental issues surrounding your relationship

  • You want an outsider's perspective and insight into your relationship

  • Your partner is unwilling or unable to attend sessions, so you come as a representative for both of you

  • You're in a long-distance or opposite schedule relationship and want an intermediary 

  • You're single and want to find a relationship

There are countless reasons why people come to relationship coaching alone - for many, it simplifies the process. 

Whether you're coming by yourself or with a partner, congratulate yourself on showing up!

“You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.”

-Cesar Chavez


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